Dull and lifeless hair: the solution is surprisingly simple – and tasty!

You probably want shiny, healthy and vibrant hair, right? We all do. But do you really think you’re treating your hair in the loving and friendly way it deserves?

Let's be honest, the things you are doing to it regularly – are they good for your hair’s health and beauty? The dyeing, the bleaching, the ironing, the brushing, the blow-drying… That's down-right hair abuse!


And then there’s also our modern lifestyle that’s not very hair-friendly – lack of sleep, pollution, the sun, the sea and, if we’re perfectly honest with ourselves, the biggest culprit: our questionable diet choices (not enough fruit and greens). Hair becomes dry and prone to breakage. It loses its shine. It takes aaages to grow just a few inches!

Also, a fun fact: did you know that the reason your hair is falling out today could be related to something super-stressful that happened MONTHS ago? Growing long and healthy hair is an art.

Going back to the roots

Regardless of how you treat your hair at the salon or in your bathroom, healthy hair starts at the root. No miracle hair mask or scalp treatment is going to make your hair luscious and long if your hair is weak and thin as it grows out of your follicles.

Fear not – a tasty solution is here!

TummyTox presents a brand new (and yummy) Hair Care Gummies that are packed with all the most important nutrients for gorgeous hair & strong nails:

  • biotin
  • zinc
  • selenium
  • vitamin A
  • B-complex vitamins
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E
  • iodine

Selenium and vitamins C, E and D help strengthen hair in the follicles, by supporting keratin production, contributing to normal collagen production, protecting cells from oxidative stress and improving growth.

Biotin, zinc and other vitamins of the B-complex (especially folic acid and B12) help regenerate your hair, by improving keratin synthesis and supporting hair growth and repair.

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), vitamin A and iodine help support your hair’s overall health by boosting hair growth and supporting its shine and colour.

TummyTox Hair Care gummies are finally available now!

TummyTox’s Hair Care Gummies contain as much as 6000 mcg of biotin and 11 other essential nutrients that support hair growth, regeneration and overall health.

Instead of foraging among different supplements that contain this or that nutrient, you get all 12 important hair-building blocks in just 1 hair gummy. It’s simple to take, vegan – made with pectin, not gelatine, yummy and packed with more biotin than 767 eggs, more zinc than 100 blackberries and more vitamin A than 9 apricots!

You’ll notice your hair and nails looking revitalised in just a month.And after three months, you and your hairdresser will be overjoyed by improved growth, thicker and stronger hair and lots of “baby hair” that will eventually grow into that beautiful long mane you’ve always wanted!

Disclaimer: The effects of the product may vary between individuals and could differ from those described on the website. Our products are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease or serious illness. Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important.